

  1. 答:The education system in the west is different. It involves the text book, but many times, the students have to do research to answer some of the problems left by the teacher. THey would also be given assignments that can last over a few week to work on. In their exams, the test papers are created as a challenge for every student, so theoreatically, no one is supposed to be able to achieve 100 percent.
  1. 答:我是liverpool的留学生,基本上国外生活就是写essay assignment还有report。没啥时间学,基本上都在用,对于学术英语写作建议你去上个环球雅思什么的。作为辅助作用,真正的论文学术写作是一天天练出来的。
  2. 答:英语范文:
    Now , English is very important in the world,you can hear English ervrywhere.So it very useful in our life.I have been learning English for 3 years old,and I like English very much. 
    I can remember the English words very fast and I can also learn it easy, but I have a big problem.That is I forget the English quickly learn English quickly.
    On the other hand,I can not lean English grammer very good. So, I think I should do more exercise and try my best to learn English well. 
  3. 答:The best thing studying abroad is that you can learning English and use them as daily base, which would improve you speaking skills. And that mean you would also need to speak English when you go out to buy food and something else. Additional reason that you could make friends from here, and it could also improve your langauge skills.
  4. 答:优点很明显,有这样的环境,肯定学得会比较好,缺点的话可能不太好合群。
