

  1. 答:Nano flame retardant with high efficiency, versatility, low smoke, low toxicity, environmentally friendly, low filling volume of unique advantages, which greatly promoted the flame-retardant polymer posite materials widely used. This paper describes the recent years with carbon nanotubes, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, antimony trioxide as flame retardant additives in posite materials, the latest research, analysis of the flame retardant properties of materials retardant mechanism, and polymer-based posite application prospect.
  2. 答:Nano flame retardants are highly effective, multi-function, low smoke, low toxicity, environmental protection, low filling quantity special advantage, greatly contributed to the flame retardant polymer posites, widely used. This paper briefly introduced in recent years to carbon nanotube, magnesium hydroxide, aluminum hydroxide, antimony trioxide as additives posites flame retardant the latest progress in research, this paper analyzes the characteristics and the flame retardant materials, and flame retardant mechanisms of flame retardant posites application prospect in the future.
  1. 答:阻燃胶应用很广的,很多有机材料都要求有阻燃性。比如电线电缆外皮,电子元件外壳,橡胶制品,塑炼制品,家装材料等。
  2. 答:现在随着电子电器、汽车等市场的要求,无卤环保阻燃是将来的大趋势,而且随着产品尺寸逐渐缩小化,阻燃的要求会越来越高,无卤高效环保阻燃是市场需求的。现在国产阻燃剂以溴系,氮系,磷系为主,其中无卤阻燃即氮系和磷系,现在大多在探索开发无卤增强阻燃剂,磷氮结合环保,但现在效果还是较克莱恩相差较远,技术突破比较难啊。
  3. 答:前瞻网摘要:自20世纪80年代初至今,阻燃剂及阻燃高分子材料在减少火灾引起的生命财产损失方面发挥了重要的作用。很多发达国家通过国家立法或行业法规,规定很多工业及消费产品必须达到一定的阻燃级别才能进入市场,随着阻燃法规的不断更新及严格,阻燃剂产品也在不断升级换代。
    前瞻网发布的 中国阻燃剂行业产销需求与投资预测分析报告 分析,FR的用量与塑料的用量及塑料中阻燃产品的比例密切相关(80%-85%的FR系用于塑料制品),2006-2011年间全球塑料平均增长率为5.8%,未来几年增长率保持在6%左右。即使塑料中阻燃产品的比例维持不变,全球阻燃剂的用量也将保持约5%-7%的增长速度,由此预计到2016年阻燃剂消费量可达330万吨左右。
  4. 答:阻燃剂一直都在向低烟无卤发展,这是必然的发展趋势。
  5. 答:阻燃目前应用广泛!无数产品需要阻燃剂来阻燃!如中空板/插座/等
问:摘要翻译成英文 论文需求 哪位专家大哥大姐帮忙翻译下,高分悬赏
  1. 答:A self-made new phosphorus flame retardant agent of nylon 6 for flame retardant research to the oxygen index and level of the bustion flame retardant effect, evaluation in tensile strength, bending strength and impact energy evaluation and its mechanical properties, the thermogravimetric analyzer evaluation in the pyrolysis performance. Experiment shows that homemade phosphorus add quantity of flame retardant agent for 25%, flame retardant role FV - 0 level, to show good flame retardant performance; Phosphorus flame retardant agent and nylon 6 interaction makes its thermal degradation temperature reduced, its carbon chemical reactions in advance.
